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The latest, for Win10, Win11 and up |
HyperSnap v.9 is a screen capture and image editing tool
for Windows - use on Windows 10 with the lastest Microsoft updates,
Windows 11 and higher. Note: HyperSnap 9 is a paid upgrade
from HyperSnap 8 and older versions.
New Licenses:
$49.95, electronic delivery only
Volume discounts |
Product ID 147522
Add to cart |
Upgrades for licensed users
of older versions $24.95, electronic delivery only
Volume discounts |
Product ID 147523
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If you need an old version of HyperSnap, possibly to run on older
versions of Windows, please click here.
Older versions:
for Vista, Win7, Win8 and up |
HyperSnap v.8 - the old version, use on Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and higher.
New Licenses:
$49.95, electronic delivery only
Volume discounts |
Product ID 147522
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Upgrades for licensed users
of older versions $24.95, electronic delivery only
Volume discounts |
Product ID 147523
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 Version 7
for Windows XP |
HyperSnap v.7 -
the old version, use on
Windows XP.
New Licenses:
$39.95, electronic delivery only
Volume discounts |
Product ID 83941
Add to cart |
Upgrades for licensed users
of older versions $19.50, electronic delivery only
Volume discounts |
Product ID 83942
Add to cart
HyperCam v.2, a product of Hyperionics, is no longer
offered for sale. It is now fully supported and offered for sale
by our partner, Solveig Multimedia. They offer a free trial and sell full
licenses, click
here for more details.